Madeline Yost

  Ammonia: Facilitating or Debilitating?
By: Paula Giordano * Lisa Murphy * Taylor Pilla * Madeline Yost

Our Primary Research Question ~~~

Does ammonia used in meat filler to kill bacteria pose detrimental health risks to humans when they ingest meat products?

Research Questions to Think About...

1. What is ammonia?

2. What is ammonia composed of?

3.  What kinds of foods are treated with ammonia??

4.  At what point does ammonia stop facilitating and start debilitating?

5.  What are the safe ph levels of ammonia?

6.  Who are the officials regulating the levels of ammonia in our food?

7.  How is ammonia utilized in our foods?

8.  What are the effects of high concentrations of ammonia?

9.  Are there alternatives to using ammonia as a sterilization agent in our food?

10.  Are there any documented cases involving ammonia as a health risk?