Madeline Yost

Dare to Dream...

Dream. Such a small word, yet filled with endless possibilities. A word so powerful that it can inspire even the most timid of believers. For it's in our dreams that we can see our greatest potential; where our hopes, wants, and needs come to life. Dreaming keeps the hunger alive within the belly of the beast. It tugs at your soul, propelling one to reach farther when stretched to the limit, not giving up when all hope seems lost, and giving your all when it's easier to give just a little. Dream big because dreams really do come true. Just imagine what great things are possible if only one dares to dream.

About Me

I am the mother of two children currently pursuing my Bachelor's Degree in Elementary Education and Writing Arts at Rowan University. I have a loving, supportive family for which without them, I would not have come so far in life. I love both reading and writing. I enjoy reading fiction, biographies, and children's picture books. When I write, I enjoy writing fiction. Writing gives me the outlet to put my thoughts and feelings down on paper. I hope one day my writing skills will allow me the privilege to write and publish a children's book of my own. As a future teacher, the thought of becoming an influential presence  in a young child's life excites me very much. What a wonderful feeling it will be when I am able to introduce the world of reading and writing to a child. Teaching children to read will take them on many exciting adventures, and learning to write will give them the ability to express themselves freely and creatively. It shall be through sacrifice, dedication, and focus that I will achieve these goals one day.