Madeline Yost

Writing comes pretty easy to me. I'm lucky. I prefer writing creatively, over let's say a research factual writing. Also, as much as I like/need structure, I get nervous when writing in a requirement environment. I'm always afraid I will leave something out, or plagiarize by accident. I also am a very detailed person, and my writing tends to reflect that. I enjoy the creative process of writing, however when doing papers, it's the introductions and conclusions that give me the most trouble. Writing the body is easier. I guess it's because I'm a bit of a perfectionist, and want to get my views across perfectly the first time around. I do have a Facebook, Twitter, and Gmail account. I use Facebook the most, but I am beginning to tweet more these days. I love texting. I think it's a great way to send a quick message to someone and not need a lengthy conversation. I don't however, like how grammar has suffered due to the limited characters one has to use in a text. My favorite genre is fiction, specifically children's literature. I love children's picture books, and hope to one day write my own children's book.  In fact, last semester I had a class on Writing Children’s Stories which I enjoyed immensely. I also enjoy reading biographies. I’m a people person and I love reading about others’ lives.

I enjoy research if I like the topic. Research can be boring let’s face it. But I enjoyed the spin you put upon it the other night. You actually made research sound like fun! I guess it’s all in the subject matter. I’m not a big science buff or history major, so those kinds of research make me want to pull my hair out. Also with research, I always question whether or not I have enough information or too much at times. And then my problem is how to I condense it properly for a paper. Like you, I enjoy cooking, baking, tasting. This kind of research interests me. I also enjoy the entertainment business. I also enjoy what people do for a living. I think it’s interesting to talk to someone and see what they do and why they do it.


 I am not the most tech savy person, but I am willing to try when new technology arises. In fact we had a technology class this summer and I learned so much. This class is where I put my Twitter skills to the test. It was in this class where I broke out of my box and created a blog. I really liked it! I thought I would be able to keep up with it, but I tend to forget. I would love to continue doing it. I don’t remember what a Wikki is, but I think I heard of it last year in my writing class. Through my Gmail, I learned how to create documents collaboratively with my peers. This was fun because we could all see each other’s writings and we could edit when necessary. I enjoy working with others in this group environment because we each could bring different things to the table. I know how to do different types of education technologies as well. I know how to do Webquests, Scavenger Hunts, and learned how to create my electronic portfolio. I am open to new things as well. I wouldn’t mind doing a webpage or a website.  I have access to a plethora of technologies; my boyfriend works in the IT field! We have a PC at home and he uses a MAC, plus he designs websites for people so I know if I get stuck should you have us try new things, he will be my go to person other than you. There’s really not much I don’t like or not willing to try. I’m a team player.